
TEAM – is simply a group of people coming together to achieve a common goal. However, great teams have common disciplines of trust, commitment, and accountability. Great teams also have great teammates that have the virtues of self-discipline, compassion, responsibility, honesty and loyalty. A team is built.

How do we coach it?  By learning the characteristics of a team, creating team standards, and building relationships to make our team better throughout the Program year.

Session #2 TEAM 2/11/24 - 3/23/24

Pre-Session Preparation

  1. Review the Five Practices of Success (be prepared to list them in order)

  2. Complete the Five Practice Self Evaluation and bring completed form to meeting and email completed form to

  3. Prepare to share your 4Hs in 3-5 min

  4. Read the 10 Quotes on Team and prepare to share which ones resonated with you the most and why

  5. Watch the first 1:45 of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (7:59). What are the first two dysfunctions of a team? Be prepared to show an example - good or bad - of a team you've experienced.

  6. Watch Coach K Standards vs. Rules (2:00) and prepare to share a standard that you believe your Handshake Team should adopt (it doesn’t need to be one from the video)

Team Session

Click here for one-page printable version

*Coaches: See ‘Coaches Room’ for specific guidance and tips for meeting


  1. Understand the meaning and importance of Team

  2. Agree on the Standards for your team

  3. Decide on a team name

  4. Establish a foundation to become a ‘very good’ Handshake America Team

  5. Determine Team Meeting Schedule for the entire year

AGENDA (subject to change by Handshake Coaches)

I. Welcome & Review of Agenda

II. Check-in (What's on your mind coming into this meeting?)

III. Review the 5 Practices of Success

IV. Sharing of everyone's 4Hs (3-5 minutes/person 25-40 min total)

V. Discussion Questions

  1. What standards should our Handshake America Team be accountable to? Why?

  2. Based on what we know about our team, what should our Team Name be?

  3. Other (Coaches' Discretion as time permits - see Coaches Room for Suggestions)

VI. Checklist

  1. Did we achieve our Objectives?

  2. Collect the Self-Evaluations, Photo Release & Scholarship Agreements (or email them electronically to

  3. Take Team Photo and email it to along with attendance

  4. Complete & Submit Post-Session Survey (<2 min)

  5. Other Announcements / Next Meeting

VII. Check-Out (What's on your mind after this meeting? What can you do to be a better teammate?)