One Season Ends, Another begins

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
— From “Turn! Turn! Turn!” by The Byrds
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Click for full Columbus and Atlanta event galleries

The Byrds’ folk song, released in 1965, was an adaptation of Solomon’s writings in the Book of Ecclesiastes where he speaks of all the different seasons of life we might experience; good and bad, happy and sad. In our case, the 2019 Handshake season has just concluded and the 2020 season is just beginning. On one hand, it’s time for celebrating and recognizing all that has been accomplished and the relationships that have been forged. On the other, a new class begins a season and looks forward to all that can and will be. To every season turn, turn, turn.

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The turning of seasons brings with it a time to look ahead, and also a time to reflect. At the Annual Assemblies, scholarships were awarded, pictures were taken, speeches were spoken, and handshakes and hugs were willingly reciprocated. As a photographer, I look for expressions on the faces of people that tell a story. Looking back to the Orientation & Kickoff eleven months ago in Columbus, I can see the difference in these young people. They have another year of life experience that has been coached up behind the scenes. They have put a magnifying glass to their attitudes and actions and reevaluated and developed them through the Handshake lenses of the Five Practices of Success. So now, the stoic and cautious looks at the Orientation have been exchanged for warm, confident, engaging faces. These soon-to-be-graduating seniors look ready for whatever comes next.

I’m no student-athlete (not since the ’80s and ’90s), but what I have taken from the sessions and material has been personally invaluable - even for this old dude. Oh, to have had this experience back in my day! I know this is the sentiment of many of the coaches who see how they can be a part of making sure somebody is having this invaluable experience - to be able to pass along life-enriching wisdom to a younger generation who is willing to listen and wants to know success.

In his writings Solomon lets his audience know he had made mistakes and learned a great deal about the hows and whys of life. He wanted people to know that so much of life is chasing after the wind and to get a grip on what is truly important. His advice was so in tune with reality that bands were still singing about it almost 3000 years after it was written and hitting the top spot with a number one single in the U.S.!

So, take my advice. Let someone know about Handshake. Get involved. Be a coach. Sponsor a scholarship. Be a part of shaping the next generation of thinkers and doers. Be the next generation that does life intentionally and thoughtfully and wisely. I guess you can say there is a season of learning and a season of teaching and we are all in one or the other from time to time.

Check out the sage words delivered by Doug Probst, Handshake America co-founder, from an address in 2018 where describes what happens when you become a part of the Handshake experience:

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“You will become leaders - 5P Leaders - because you will reveal your grit with your perseverance to get through the tough times while you’re figuring out what your passions are that are driving that determination. 

You will inspire people with your positive mental attitude; you will surround yourself and associate with good people and begin to identify and separate yourself from the bad ones.

You will continue these practices, and because you are coachable, you will continue to benefit from being coached, learn from your experiences, and keep getting better, and better, and better. You will continue to develop and consequently have more poise and confidence every day because you know deep inside that you’re doing the right things. 

And with these virtues you’ll ultimately have a presence that will not just be noticed when you walk into a room but, more importantly, you’ll be more appreciated and respected by people when they get to know you, work with you, and live with you. 

For if you continue to practice the 5Ps we discussed over the year you will experience success. And do you [know] how you’ll know it? You’ll know it because the people who know you the best, love and respect you the most – and you will be living with no regrets because you’ve done your very best.”


Photo Credits: Atlanta, Steve Dinberg; Columbus, Matt Draudt of mDraudtPhotography